Thursday, July 30, 2009

Free Reciprocal Link Checker Script in PHP

This time, we're publishing a short simple code for backlink checking. Webmasters, who are doing lot of link exchange via forum, chats, mails etc. often need a reciprocal link checker script. Because, often one of the link exchanging party removes other's backlink from his website. Now, it's really hard for you to test each and every reciprocal link for your website. This PHP script will make your work easier.

You can edit the files as per your requirement and add features like database connectivity.

2 files are used to write the script. One is a backlink checking class and the other one is an example file.

Code for PHP Class:

= 4.0.5*
EXAMPLE:** [ TO PARSE A STRING ]* $myLinks = &new LinkExtractor(); // create
a LinkExtractor Object* $myLinks->parseString( $myStringWithLinks ); // parse
a string* for( $a = 0, $b = count( $fetchLinks = $myLinks->getLinks() ); $a
< $b; $a++ ) {* echo $fetchLinks[$a]." ";* }** [ TO PARSE AN URL ( or if you want, a file ) ]* $myLinks = &new LinkExtractor(); // create a LinkExtractor Object* if( $myLinks->parseUrl( ""
) == true ) {* for( $a = 0, $b = count( $fetchLinks =
$myLinks->getLinks() ); $a < $b; $a++ ) {* echo $fetchLinks[$a]." ";* }* }** [ TO PARSE A FILE ]* $myLinks = &new LinkExtractor(); // create a LinkExtractor Object* if( $myLinks->parseFile( "myTextFile.txt" ) == true ) {* for( $a = 0, $b =
count( $fetchLinks = $myLinks->getLinks() ); $a < $b; $a++ ) {* echo $fetchLinks[$a]." ";* }* }* ---------------------------------------------------------------------class LinkExtractor { /* private Array variable: $linkReg [ contains pregs to parse links ]*/ var $linkReg = Array( "/(?i) /** * Public constructor. * Create a global
Array with no value, used for parsing * and an internal array with valid
pregs for links parsing. */ function LinkExtractor()
{ global
$__linkExtractor_linkRecipient; $__linkExtractor_linkRecipient =
Array(); }
/** * Private method, popolate internal Array with
preg matches * . * @Param String String to push into
internal array *
@Return nothing */ function
__manageLinkRecipient( $replacement ) { global
$__linkExtractor_linkRecipient; array_push(
$__linkExtractor_linkRecipient, htmlspecialchars( $replacement[2] )
); }
/** * Private method, call preg_replace_callback
function with string. * . * @Param String String to
parse * @Return nothing */ function __callBackCaller( $st )
{ preg_replace_callback( $this->linkReg, Array( &$this,
'__manageLinkRecipient' ), $st ); }
/** * Public method, read
remote page or file and parse them * . *
@Param String valid url address to parse *
@Return Boolean true if readed , false in other
cases */ function parseUrl( $url ) { if( @$fp = fopen(
$url, "r" ) ) { $st = ''; while( $text =
fread( $fp, 8192 ) ) { $st .=
$text; } fclose( $fp
); $this->__callBackCaller( $st ); return
true; } return false; } /** * Public
method, parse links in a file * . *
@Param String string to parse *
@Return nothing */ function parseFile( $st ) { return
$this->parseUrl( $st ); }
/** * Public method, parse links
in a string * . * @Param String string to parse *
@Return nothing */ function parseString( $st )
{ $this->__callBackCaller( $st ); } /** *
Public method, return an array with all found links * . *
@Param no no params need * @Return Array Array with all
links ( if there're ) */ function getLinks() { global
$__linkExtractor_linkRecipient; return
$__linkExtractor_linkRecipient; }}?>

Code For Example File:
"LinkExtractor.class.php" );
function linkExtractor( $what, $url = false )
// linkExtractor( $string_url_or_file [, true/false ] ) // true
if $string_or_url is an url or a file // false or anything if is a
string $myLinks = &new LinkExtractor(); if( $url == false )
{ $myLinks->parseString( $what ); } elseif( $url == true
) { if( $myLinks->parseUrl(
$what ) == false ) {
return false; } } return
// EXAMPLE$url = ""; //
site to parse or check the reciprocal link
$testURL=""; // the reciprocal url
to check
$arrayLinks = &linkExtractor( $url, true );
if( $arrayLinks
!= false ) { for( $a = 0, $b = count( $arrayLinks ); $a < $b; $a++ )
{ if($arrayLinks[$a]==$testURL) { echo
"; //you can add your piece of code
here. if a reciprocal link is found, the link will be available via
$arrayLinks[$a] } }}?>

Hope this script helps you. You can download the files from the link given below:
Download Free Reciprocal Link Checker Script Using PHP

Free Reciprocal Link Checker Script Using PHP Simple Backlink Checker Script PHP Code To Check Reciprocal Link Link Exchange Script


Rakib said...

Thanks techbongo it seems great.. i think you know how google recaptha works.. so help me if i want to use this code as recaptha works in a form e.g in a email form. Got it? Thanks

Punk said...

this is such a nice and useful information for us...i appreciate urs word........Reciprocal Link Building Services